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The Trust has a two publications on sale to raise funds for on-going restoration work. Note we have a special offer - buy both books for $15.00 plus $5.50 postage.
Otamahua - Quail Island: A link with the past
This fascinating history book written by Peter Jackson (no, not that one) is available from the Trust for $10.00 plus $5.50 postage per book. For larger orders, contact
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Find out more about Quail Island's diverse history - including tragedy that struck early settlers on the island, and its use as a quarantine station and New Zealand's only leper colony.
The 102-page book has numerous black and white photos to bring the tales to life, and also tells about quarrying, shell grit mining, and the island's connection with expeditions to the South Pole... and it's more recent development as a recreational reserve.
To order a copy:
1) Make a direct credit to our account name OTAMAHUA/QUAIL ISLAND ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION TRUST, account number 02 0864 0071578 02 and put your surname and "History" into the details that will appear on our bank statement.
2) Confirm your purchase by e mailing our administrator on
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including your full name, your postal address, and what you have purchased, or fill in our on line form.
When your payment is received we will put the book in the post to you.
The Island's Plants
This 130-page book by Colin Burrows and Hugh Wilson includes line drawings and some colour images of the indigenous plants to be found on Otamahua | Quail Island. It also details the ecorestoration milestones and achievements of the Trust.
The Island's Plants is available from the Trust for $10.00 plus $5.50 postage per book, For larger orders, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
To order a copy:
1) Make a direct credit to our account name OTAMAHUA/QUAIL ISLAND ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION TRUST, account number 02 0864 0071578 02, and put your surname and "Plants" into the details that will appear on our bank statement.
2) Confirm your purchase by e mailing our administrator on
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including your full name, your postal address, and what you have purchased, or fill in our on line form.
When your payment is received we will put the book in the post to you.